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2,700 Year old administrative center in Jerusalem

From the video description:

"Host Erick Stakelbeck interviews Israeli tour guide and archaeologist Danny “The Digger” Herman about the discovery of a 2,700 year old administrative center from the time of King Hezekiah, found next to the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem."

More and more discoveries are being uncovered in Jerusalem that continually point towards the accuracy of the Bible and the historicity of the stories therein. The proof is in the ground, and when finds are unearthed they become irrefutable. Sometimes the finds are small artifacts that allude to names mentioned in the lines of the sacred book, but other times the finds are even more stunning proof that the stories from thousands of years ago aren't merely fiction, but historical fact. In the following video, you can see the archaeological remains of an administrative center from multiple millennia ago, affording even greater credibility to the Biblical narratives.


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