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Archaeologists Dig Up the Bible at Ancient City of Shiloh

From the video description:

"Driving along the route known as the Way of the Patriarchs in Samaria, the heart of biblical Israel, you'll come to ancient Shiloh."

The Bible is a book like no other (actually, it's a collection of 66 different books written over thousands of years that come together to tell a singular story), and one filled with incredible stories of amazement and wonder. Since the stories are about events that happened thousands of years ago, though, many people are quick to dismiss the stories of the Bible as being purely fictitious tales. However, just because the events mentioned took place thousands of years ago, it doesn't mean that they never happened. The passage of time doesn't make what happened any less true, and sometimes what we find in the ground through archaeological digs are great testaments to that truth. Places mentioned in the Bible are increasingly coming alive in the modern day through modern archaeological digs as we continue to make discoveries and uncover the past buried in the ground. Check out this short video that goes over some of the amazing finds at the site of ancient Shiloh, which was continually mentioned in the first book of the Bible - Genesis - that stand as testaments to the Bible's historicity.


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