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Archaeologists Discover pool of siloam

From the video description:

"Archaeologists in east Jerusalem claim to have identified the remains of the biblical Siloam Pool, where the Bible says Jesus miraculously cured a man''s blindness."

In the New Testament, Jesus performs a number of miracles, including one miracle where he restores vision to a blind man by rubbing mud in his eyes and then telling him to wash it off in the Pool of Siloam. However, for many years people doubted the potential historicity of the gospel account, attributing their doubt to the belief that the Pool of Siloam never actually existed. If it did exists, as many previously claimed, we would easily have known about it in modern times. However, as recently as 2004 the Pool was officially discovered in East Jerusalem! This is the very Pool of Siloam mentioned in the gospel accounts, and its existence only serves to further point to the historical accuracy of the Bible and all that is written about in sacred scripture. Watch this video and see the pool for yourself, as well as hear how it came about to be discovered!


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