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Archaeology is confirming bible characters and places

From the video description:

"Shahar Shilo speaks with Moira Brown about fascinating archaeological finds that address biblical accounts and events, including Jesus' two miracles in Jerusalem."

I'm sure you've heard someone say that, "there's no evidence that the Bible is real", as an attempt to discredit any Biblical worldview. I think it's a common thing to hear because for most people, they just aren't aware that any evidence confirming any Biblical narratives exists, save for the existence of Jerusalem as a real place. While it would be easy to discount the people that would say such a thing as being ignorant, to give them the benefit of the doubt much of the archaeological evidence that has come to light supporting the Bible is relatively recent, since a lot of evidence has only come to light in the last couple of decades. What's so interesting in particular is that when it comes to Biblically-related archaeological finds, they become extremely hard to cast aside as mere fiction especially when evidence of some names and places mentioned are so explicitly detailed in the Bible. Any finds that unquestionably point to particular names in the Bible become testimonies to the truthfulness of the Bible's stories that we can no longer discredit in the modern day. Check out this brief video that goes over just a handful of intriguing discoveries that point towards Bible not being just a mere collection of stories, but stories of historical fact.


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