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dinosaur soft tissue with Brian Thomas

From the video description:

"In this interview Brian Thomas says, " shows that these bio-materials fall apart at a regular rate under the optimum preservation conditions. Best case scenario, it still falls apart. Why, because of the second law of thermodynamics." He continued by saying the fact that bio-materials fall apart applies to all of biology, there are no exceptions."

In case you haven't heard, but real proteins, soft tissues, and even blood cells have been found in DINOSAUR fossils, including T-Rex and Triceratops fossils! The incredible discovery was first brought to light in 2005 by Mary Schweitzer, a molecular paleontologist at North Carolina State University, and has since been revealed to be "common" amongst many dinosaur fossils. But based on common understandings of basic biology, these types of materials should in no way, shape, or form have lasted for upwards of a few thousand years or certainly not 60 million years - if the secular timeline of when these creatures roamed the earth is to be believed. This of course begs the question if they really are that old, or if the secular timeline presented in every natural history museum is completely wrong and just believed because it fits a secular narrative with no real scientific basis. Could it be that dinosaur fossils aren't as old as secular people claim them to be? Let's hear what Brian Thomas has to say on the subject:


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