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Origin: probability of a single protein forming by chance

From the video description:

"This clip is an excerpt from the film ORIGIN: Design, Chance and the First Life on Earth. Produced by Illustra Media"

The fundamental basis of all living things is the cell. The basis of all cells rely on proteins. And proteins are 3-dimensional, folded chains of amino acids. So, to take things backwards logically, in order for all living things to exist according to the Neo-Darwinian theory of evolution, amino acids had to come together through some sort of random, unguided process in order to form the first proteins that created the first cell on the planet - thus establishing the foundation of the evolutionary tale. So since amino acids are simple chemicals, it should be easy to create the first protein, right? And if the Earth is billions of years old as many claim it to be, that's surely enough time to create a simple protein and then create living cells from there, right? Well... let's just say that it might not be as simple as that. See for yourself using the laws of mathematics, and draw your own conclusion about whether or not you think the story of unguided macro-evolution is possible.


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