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Privileged species featuring Dr. Michael Denton

From the video description:

"Privileged Species is a 33-minute documentary by Discovery Institute that explores growing evidence from physics, chemistry, biology, and related fields that our universe was designed for large multi-cellular beings like ourselves. Featuring geneticist and author Michael Denton, the documentary investigates the special properties of carbon, water, and oxygen that make human life and the life of other organisms possible, and it explores some of the unique features of humans that make us a truly privileged species."

Agnostics and atheists must eventually face the bleak reality of their worldview - that they are completely unremarkable specks of dust floating around in a purposeless cosmos that is doomed to extinction in an eventual cold death due to the expansion of the undeniable expansion of the universe. There's no other way to slice or dice that worldview, and while someone you may know who holds that worldview may claim to be superficially happy, such a conclusion is completely inarguable. How tragic and depressing! However, when looking at the evidence that exists all around us through a different lens, a different picture emerges - one of happiness and privilege that you can come to know and appreciate! Explore the evidence for yourself in this next short documentary, and understand that you are not alone in the world and unremarkable, but are a truly special creation and made for a purpose.


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