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Reclaiming the True History of the Temple Mount

From the video description:

"Host Erick Stakelbeck is in Jerusalem to see how a team of Israeli archaeologists is reclaiming the history of the world's holiest site, the Temple Mount. Plus, see how one Israel farmer is reviving ancient Biblical plants, and how an American President helped pave the way for the reborn state of Israel."

While there of course can only be one true line of events in history, retracing what actually happened in the distant past sometimes becomes difficult if there is no written record. Even with written records, some things may be difficult to properly understand. When it comes to hotly contested places, such as the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, it becomes even harder in some regards since access to the location is restricted for even the most qualified archaeologists. While the Bible paints a clear picture of what happened there a couple millenia and more ago, one can't simply walk up and start digging where they please in Jerusalem. But nevertheless, the Temple Mount Sifting Project, which is an archaeological endeavor that for now is as close as we can possibly get to actually excavating the Temple Mount, is constantly turning up some amazing finds that help paint a clearer picture of the true history of the holy site. See some of these amazing discoveries for yourself here:


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