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Scientific Proof of God in 5 Minutes

From the video description:

"MIT Physicist Dr. Gerald Schroeder offers proof god exists and explains how, as a scientist, he believes in god. Schroeder explores scientific proof of god using the Big Bang theory and quantum theory..."

A simplified view of the cosmological argument for God's existence posits that everything that has some type of beginning has a cause for the beginning outside of itself, and since the universe itself has a beginning, the universe therefore has a cause outside of itself as well. In this brief video, Dr. Schroeder does an interesting job at clearly explaining such an position from a scientific standpoint by drawing comparative arguments and utilizing the research from NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe, which was a 9-year satellite project that cost over $150 million to conduct. Ultimately, the research concluded by producing a single diagram that condensed all of what is commonly accepted in the secular community relating to the Big Bang Theory. Listen to what he has to say, because in this case the conclusions are interestingly self evident...


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