From the video description:
"Incredible discovery in the ruined cities of Sodom & Gomorrah."
I'm sure you've heard the story before, if not by reading it yourself in detail at least probably by mention somewhere. It is, after all, the ultimate story of judgement for sinning against God, and a story that many don't want to even think about due to the gravity of it: in ancient times there existed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah that God ended up judging for their wickedness and unrighteousness by raining down fire and brimstone (which is an older word that is synonymous with sulfur) from heaven and destroying all the inhabitants therein. It's a well known story, so much so that we even derive the English word of "sodomy" directly from story. But what you may not know is that yes, Sodom and Gomorrah were real places and in fact their ruins still exist today for all of the world to see. Of course you won't be taught about the ruins existing in grade school, but they can clearly be seen around the Dead Sea for anybody with discerning eyes. See for yourself: