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Shroud of Turin Shocks Chemist By Carbon Dating Discovery

From the video description:

"Was the Carbon Dating analysis done on the Shroud of Turin completed properly? Oxford scientists says "There is a lot of other evidence that suggests to many that the Shroud is older than the radiocarbon dates allow and so further research is certainly needed." -"

The Shroud of Turin is a uniquely intriguing item. The purported burial cloth of Jesus Christ himself, and also the singularly most studied object in human history, claiming over 100,000 of rigorous scientific study with the aim to affirm or deny its authenticity. Nearly all the evidence ever gathered appears to point towards its undeniable authenticity as being the true burial cloth of Jesus, such as the abundantly accurate medical accuracy of the crucifixion image microscopic and pollen samples found in the linen to the incredible 3-dimensional properties that the image holds. However, many seem to nonetheless get hung up on the results of the carbon-dating test that was performed on a small sample of the cloth in the 1980's, which pointed towards a medieval time period. But could the carbon dating results have been inaccurate, or at least not indicative of the true age of the main body of the cloth which also contains the image? This really short video lays out some of the fascinating details behind the 1980's carbon dating results, which seem to point to its inaccuracy as a true dating mechanism for the cloth.


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