From the video description:
"The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is REAL! If the judgement on Sodom & Gomorrah with fire and brimstone is real the whole Bible is! Do you want to escape the coming judgement, do you desire Eternal life?"
Have you ever heard somebody say that they wouldn't believe something unless they saw evidence for it? It's an interesting statement, since if you think about it, what type of evidence do you think would satisfy that type of person? Have they ever seen "evidence" of the existence of the Titanic with their own eyes? Yet I'm sure these same people wouldn't doubt the existence of the Titanic. When it comes to historical events, how much evidence do you think you would need to believe the truth of a historical story? For the story of Sodom and Gomorrah as recorded in the Bible, the events took place roughly 4000 years ago. So what, if any, evidence do you think would firstly last that long, and secondly, what evidence would you need to believe the story yourself? There's actually a staggering amount of evidence that the story was an actual historical event which can still be seen to this very day. Watch this video and see for yourself.