From the video description:
"See a powerful video about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and witness amazing new discoveries that confirm their existence and location. God chose to destroy these wicked cities, and all throughout the Bible He speaks of Sodom and Gomorrah as an example of judgment to come for those who reject Him. Prepare yourself to be touched as you watch this unique video!"
I would venture to say that most people think that the Biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah mentioned in the book of Genesis is nothing more than mere myth. I mean, who wants to think about the potential judgement of mankind by our all powerful God? I surely take no pleasure in thinking about such things... But the concept of judgement is critical to the story of the Bible, for if there's no judgement for sins then sin itself is rendered moot. Many people (I would probably even say most people) have NO clue that the ruins from ancient Sodom and Gomorrah can still be seen today, roughly 4000 years after the story supposedly took place. While many potential sites have been proposed, today there exist a couple of sites located right where the Bible says they should be that exhibit startling evidence that these are the authentic sites of the frightening story. And thankfully due to modern technology, the evidence is only a mouse click away. Come and see for yourself...