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Stephen C. Meyer: Theistic Evolution

From the video description:

"Author Stephen C. Meyer presents the case against Theistic Evolution. From the event "Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique," hosted by Biola University."

According to Wikipedia, "Theistic evolution, also known as theistic evolutionism or God-guided evolution, is a general term comprising views that regard religious teachings about God as compatible with modern scientific understanding about biological evolution." This sounds ok until you think about what this last statement is really implying. what is considered to be "modern scientific understanding about biological evolution"? While secular scientists and common culture today seem to blindly accept Darwin's theory of macro-evolution as undeniable fact, it is still in fact just a theory, and furthermore it is a theory that is full of holes upon closer inspection. Nonetheless, there are many in religious circles that try to have their cake and eat it to when it comes to reconciling ideas of creationism pitted against common secular assertions by compromising in one area or another. In this video, Dr. Stephen Meyer discusses a multitude of points concerning the topic of Theistic Evolution and offers eye-opening critiques on the topic.


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