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Stephen meyer investigates scientific evidence for intelligent design

From the video description:

"Join Stephen as he investigates the scientific evidence for intelligent design in the origin of life, the development of biological complexity, and physics and cosmology. [...]Meyer explores the scientific basis for the theory of intelligent design—the idea that key features of life and the universe are best explained as the product of an intelligent cause rather than an unguided process."

Abundant evidence exists that we didn't come from some unguided process and are nothing more than collections of atoms flying around the cosmos. As science continues to advance through developments in technology, new evidence is continually brought to light that greatly challenges the traditional Neo-Darwinian narrative that so many of us were blindly taught to accept throughout grade school. This short video from Dr. Stephen Meyer is just a brief example touching on some of the growing body of evidence against Darwinian evolution using modern scientific revelations.


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